Release Notes

Version Build 2.0.6128.26471.

  • Translations: Some fixes/corrections and new messages.
  • New menu item to calculate Temperature/Pressure for Water/Steam based on the free parameter (under Options menu).
  • Fix in .NozzlesInletDensityPerSquaredVelocity and NozzlesOutletDensityPerSquaredVelocity (both for Shell and Tubes). They were wrongly calculated with the heat exchanger inlet speed, instead of using the nozzles inlet speeds
  • Fix for some NullReferenceExceptions thrown at the server when there were errors during the calculations.
  • New standalone Fluid editor: No need to open the fluid inside a project to be able to edit it.
  • Changes in Geometry page:
    • Unused tubes now appear as dotted/transparent when the number of tubes used is less than the number of tubes that fit for a particular geometry.
    • In multipass configurations, the pass Id is shown too (A, B, C, ...) beside the tube Id (1, 2, 3, ...).
  • In the Fluid data grid, TAB key can be used to move among cells.
  • Floating action buttons on top of the pages: User no longer needs to scroll up to do calculations.
  • Pressure loss improvements: The program now can calculate it for Anular Space Heat Exchangers.
  • Fluid/Geometries presets: After selecting one, the dropdown defaults back to a --Select Preset-- value
Released: 2016-10-11
Created: 2019-12-04
Last Modified: 2020-05-11