Release Notes


  • Heat Balance:
    • Now the flow direction (counter current / co-current) is taken into account when drawing the inlet and outlet nozzles for the service (shell). Even though this change does not force a geometry recalculation, it affects the way that each of the heat exchanger elements are construed and drawn. See below.
  • Geometry:
    • Now the calculation of Volume / Module in the Tubes Side accounts for the volume in the headers too (when they are used), and also if they have an odd or even number of passes (because the tubes outlet nozzle is attached to the inlet header when there the number of passes is even).
    • In the previous version, if a calculated geometry was modified and the active view was moved to another section of the application, when going back to the geometry section the tubeplate drawing was left blank until the geometry was calculated again (the drawing of the last calculation was missing). This issue has been fixed.
    • Tabulation order of some fields has been rearranged so that navigating with the keyboard is now easier.
    • Naming of the inlet and outlet headers change dynamically according to the number of passes is odd or even. When the number of passes is even, their names are "Front End (Inlet/Outlet)" and "Rear End (Pass)".
    • Only some heat exchanger models are allowed to have headers. In particular, monotubes and annular space heat exchangers cannot have headers (at the moment).
    • Fix in the calculation of minimum lengths of the headers. Previously it was not taken into account that the header is inserted within the flange, so that the flange thickness was also required to be considered.
    • Visual aid for selecting the shell nozzle orientation (same side vs opposite side).
    • When the Tubeplate Thickness (Lts) is left as 0 the value is calculated automatically according to the thickness of a PN16 flange for the current shell diameter. This is a default value when no value is defined (0). If the user defines any other value, the user's selection will prevail.
  • Baffles:
    • Fix for the error message that was shown when Lbi (or Lbo) were smaller than the calculated value LbiMin (or LboMin). The sum of the shown values in the message (A=B+C) was not right.
    • Now the headers are shown in the side view of the heat exchanger. Cases for flat ends (blind flanges) and also for torispherical heads (Klopper and Korbbogen) are new included.
    • The use of a counter current (or co-current) Heat Balance flow direction is now taken into account in order to switch (or not) the shell headers, initial baffles positions Lbo (or Lbi), arrows indicating inlet and outlet of flows, and red and blue colors for hot and cold fluids.
    • New labels with arrors that indicate the flow direction in shell and tubes so that a visual aid is given in order to see co-current and counter current flows.
    • The Side view is now correctly centered among the available space. Horizontally, even when there are different lengths for the inlet and outlet headers. Vertically too, even when the inlet and outlet nozzles for the shell are differ in length or position.
    • Visual aids with images for dropdown lists for selecting the baffle type (single segmental or double segmental) and orientation (horizontal and vertical).
    • Fix in cross flow area in the baffles. The cross flow area now substracts the space used by the baffles' thickness. This change affects the heat transfer and vibration calculation.
    • In the side view, in the vertical section of the tubeplate, holes are drawn in place where the tubes should pass along that section.
    • In annular space and monotube models, the tubeplate thickness is used to draw the O-rings, instead of using a fixed default value that was previously defined.
  • 3D:
    • Now the quality (number of vertices) of the 3D model is limited according to the license level. Licenses with less features have also lower quality limits. Only Platinum licenses can generate 3D models with the maximum quality.
    • Also the 3D model now includes the headers (when used), even for cases with flat ends and also for torispherical heads.
  • Licenses:
    • When generating the installation fingerprints, the video card driver version is no longer used. This reduces the number of time that this value will change along the lifetime of an active license.
Released: 2023-11-20
Created: 2023-11-20
Last Modified: 2023-11-20